Client Results


Lauren achieved positive body recomposition in a completely non-restrictive and maintainable manner

Progress photos

Lauren joined my online personal training program seeking to lose weight and feel toned. She’d had a number of negative experiences with diet culture and restrictive eating in the past. As part of a household health & fitness shake-up, she actually joined the program with her husband Dom.

Lauren also had a very busy work schedule and a family life to manage so any workout program I created for her was going to need to take that into account.

It’s never a good idea to eat too few calories to try to tone up because it’s not a sustainable way to approach health & fitness. When you stack a busy professional life on top of that, it’s a recipe for burnout.

We needed to find a way to free Lauren of the stress of calorie counting and unsustainable levels of cardio that were, first of all, a pretty blunt tool for her goals, and secondly completely exhausting.

Despite having a weight loss goal, we decided not to focus on the scale. In fact, Lauren was encouraged not to weigh herself throughout her entire fitness program, but rather on what I would consider a naturally fat-burning lifestyle.

Which was strength training led and bolstered with short but effective HIIT workout sessions. When possible Lauren also went on long relaxing walks to support them.

Essentially, Lauren exercised less and ate more to achieve sustainable fat loss and massively increase her baseline level of energy. She ended up loosing 13lbs of weight on my program, gained muscle and had a far higher baseline energy level.

If you would like to begin your own online personal training journey with me, let’s set up your 1-2-1 consultation call.

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