The Unexpected Mental Benefit of Physical Fitness

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First, focus on your pain point

Like many beginners in fitness, my early goals were purely aesthetic. Simply put, I wanted to feel like was in shape, you know, gain muscle and lose body fat, ideally at the same time. As Iโ€™d never been in shape before at that point, I naturally questioned whether it was going to be possible for me.

Ultimately, through years of dedication which included countless gym hours and perhaps three times that in study, I unlocked a fitness blueprint for my body. This breakthrough led to an unexpected shift in my mindset and perspective.

Achieving my aesthetic goals reduced my self-imposed stress and quietened the internal chatter I had around not being in shape. I began to feel at peace with myself and where I was physically. This was a dramatic change, but one that I’ve seen mirrored in countless clients over myย career as a personal trainer. People take their training goals seriously or rather are heavily weighed down psychologically by not being where they want to be and not meeting these goals can significantly impact on quality of life.

When people can’t meet these goals, it can mean resting to short-term measures like restrictive diets, endless gym sessions, or even taking unnecessary health risks with dubious methods and supplements.

The sound of silence

The need to silence the nagging voice in their head saying they aren’t where they want to be can be powerful, I know that because I was there. Without getting overly fluffy, I firmly believe we’re enough as we are on a human level nae spiritual level. But that doesn’t mean we can’t strive to be more by taking definite action. Becoming confident with how you look can be a big part of that. 

The peace I found allowed me to explore aspects of fitness that I had previously neglected in favour of aesthetics: cardiovascular health, flexibility, balance, coordination, and overall energy levels. This broader definition of fitness encompassed yoga and mobility work, leading me to a more balanced approach to fitness.

I hope to encourage you to find your own personal fitness blueprint. It’s not about conforming to societal norms about how youโ€™re supposed to look, or about comparing yourself to the unrealistic standards weโ€™re bombarded with on social media. But about what makes you feel at your best. Achieving this personal aesthetic goal frees up mental energy and training time to explore other important but often neglected aspects of fitness that you may never have had time or energy for unless you have solved your major challenge.

Define your own success

What ‘being in shape’ means varies from person to person. It’s not a homogenous standard but a unique journey to your best self. It’s about finding what makes you content and confident.

The journey to my aesthetic goal was a winding one. Certainly not without its ups and downs. But once I reached it, I felt a new realm of possibilities open up. I no longer felt the pressure to always be in peak condition. I knew I could return to that state with my established blueprint, i.e the workout program and lifestyle that would be effective for me.

In fact, it’s this blueprint that continues to serve me. I now prioritise overall fitness, ensuring that I can continue to enjoy activities like hiking and paddle-boarding for years to come. In fact, the reason Iโ€™m writing this article today is that I was out for a long hike in Devon this morning. Often walking the less-beaten path takes considerable mobility, fitness, and agility, and I want to be able to do that same walk 20 years from now. It made me think that if I would even have been able to do it today, had I never gotten in shape for the first time, I just donโ€™t think Iโ€™d ever have prioritised the kind of training itโ€™s taken to maintain the ability. 

This approach has allowed me to maintain what for me feels like good shape year-round, always knowing how many weeks it would take to get into โ€˜peakโ€™ condition, I try never to let that distance exceed 8 weeks, which helps keep me accountable to myself.

Find your ‘why’

So, if you want to quieten all that mental chatter too, my suggestion is that you figure out what ‘being in shape’ means for you personally and dedicate yourself to achieving it, if for no other reason than freeing the otherwise occupied space in your mind. Consistency in exercise is going to be key, so too will following an effective workout program.

Focusing on your aesthetic goals can serve as a stepping stone to a more balanced and fulfilling approach to your health and wellness. With the right training program and consistent effort, you can unlock a whole new sense of freedom with your internal thought patterns and how you allocate time for exercise. 

Remember, solving your personal fitness riddle will ultimately pave the way to a healthier and happier you. Not because you’ll โ€˜lookโ€™ a certain way, but because of everything youโ€™ll have learned along the way, and the peace of mind that comes from knowing what the roadmap is. You just need to get there once, then for the rest of your life youโ€™ll know itโ€™s real and replicable for you. Then if you ever get sidetracked in the future all youโ€™ll have to do is follow that same path back. 

I hope you find your path as I did and as many of my online personal training clients have, and of course if youโ€™d like me to join you as your coach for the journey,ย letโ€™s schedule a consultation callย here and discuss what youโ€™d like to achieve, Scott.

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Let’s get rid of what’s bothering you the most about your body once and for all. Whatever it is, after 12+ years of bespoke fitness coaching I simply know what works. I promise.