Client Results


I helped Annie lose fat and gain muscle, by eating more calories and switching up her workouts regularly enough to keep her body guessing. Learn more about Annie's Online personal training journey below.

Progress photos

The image below shows Annie’s before and after body transformation achieved on a 12-week course of fitness coaching with me, I’ve also included an image of Annie 4 years later to showcase how maintainable results are when they are approached in the right way.

We started working together to allow her to find a way to both gain muscle and lose fat, ideally at the same time, which in fitness we generally refer to as recomposition.

Annie was already a keen exerciser and really liked strength training, but I could see that ultimately she was training in a way that needed a lot more fuel than she was affording herself. Essentially Annie was training to gain muscle, but eating as if she had a large weight loss goal.

Getting the macros right for your fitness goal is crucial. Frequent training and under-eating is a common combination, which plays out in a lot of frustration if your goal is to gain muscle because you’re doing all of the right things in the gym, but the math just doesn’t add up.

Over the course of Annie’s online personal training program, we worked to eat more nutritionally dense food which felt like releasing the handbrake on her muscle-building efforts. At the same time, we also used optimal fuel to create a situation where Annie was able to achieve greater fat loss despite eating considerably more. This set her free from her restrictive diet-focused mindset, replacing it with a motivated fitness mindset and allowed her to enjoy her workouts with enough energy left over to run her hair and beauty business from home.

This is what Annie said when she first saw her before and after photos side by side:

“Wow, I didn’t realise how good I looked, thank you!”

If you would like to discuss starting a course of online personal training with me just as Annie did, let’s schedule a consultation call

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