Client Results


Flint joined my program to lose body fat without a complete overhaul of his existing lifestyle

Progress photos

I often think that sometimes good is the enemy of great, never more so when it comes to following a tired workout program. Flint joined my program because he was rapidly growing frustrated with diminishing results from his fitness efforts.

It’s not that he wasn’t putting in the effort, he was. But his workout program wasn’t optimal for him to see results. So working together, we fixed it. We moved from a 6-day training week that was all strength training oriented to a 3-day strength week with two additional HIIT workout days and added some strategic long walks at the right heart rate. The mistake Flint had been making with his program until that point was that his strength training was great, but there wasn’t really anything in his fitness portfolio that was directly working toward fat loss. So he was getting stronger in the gym, but his body far percentage and body shape just wasn’t changing.

With a custom workout program, built specifically for him, Flint was able to eat more and accelerate his fat loss because his calorie numbers and macronutrient intake reflected his goals. As counter-intuitive as it might sound eating more produced faster fat loss because we protected his muscle mass with a higher protein intake and made room for exercise and lifestyle habits that facilitated fat loss.

In the final analysis, like many of our clients, Flint was able to achieve better results with less time spent exercising and more calories coming in daily. Which is a testament to the power of a well-calibrated training program.

If you too would like to see what can be done to optimise your approach to health & fitness consider booking a consultation call with me here to discuss enrolling on my online personal training program.

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