Client Results


My program helped Natalie permanently change her relationship with exercise and nutrition. Allowing her to lose body fat and enjoy the process of exercise again. Learn more about her fitness journey below:

Progress photos

When Natalie found my online personal training program her frame of reference for exercise was mostly seen through the lens of weight loss. Which meant her go-to strategy was always a restrictive diet and relentless cardio. Needless to say, in the very rare cases that this method produced any results at all, the lifestyle was never going to be maintainable. It made both food and exercise a chore.

Over time this meant that Natalie saw the only route to a leaner body as totally miserable and entirely unsustainable. We worked to reframe the way she saw and experienced fitness and helped her develop a new positive fitness mindset.

This naturally facilitated a new lifestyle that encouraged Natalie to stop focusing on what she weighed and more on how she felt in her clothes, her confidence, and the level of energy she was able to enjoy through eating more abundantly.

A few words from Natalie:

“I’m over the moon with my results, this program has actually changed the way I see healthy eating and exercise”

If you too would like help to reframe the way you see health & fitness and build a better relationship with food with my online fitness coaching, let’s set up a consultation call and discuss your goals.

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Let’s get rid of what’s bothering you the most about your body once and for all. Whatever it is, after 12+ years of bespoke fitness coaching I simply know what works. I promise.