Client Results


Richard and I utilised structured strength training and encouraged long walks in the country instead of jogging to take his level of muscularity to a new level whilst dropping his body fat % with a naturally fat-burning lifestyle.

Progress photos

Richard had been long frustrated with the results of his strength training. While he had seen good initial results when he first started exercising regularly, before long he noticed that he was no longer getting results at the same rate.

As a successful business owner, Rich was naturally frustrated that his considerable efforts weren’t producing results for him, frustratingly the more he tried to turn up the volume and do more, the less progress he was making. It was difficult for him to determine whether his workouts were effective

When we started working together we swiftly identified that although Rich had a great training regime, which he no doubt had researched diligently, he had been following it too long for it to continue working. His body had just grown too accustomed to it.

This is very common and the cause of a lot of frustration in fitness. Essentially, in order to get results, particularly with a muscle-building goal every workout needs to be challenging enough to force your body to make an adaptation. Correcting this was fairly simple, we needed to find a new training regime that would ask enough of Rich’s body in a way that would force muscle growth. This way, as long as he was able to recover well and match his workouts with his nutrition intake.

Rich was also struggling to fit running his coaching business in with working out 5 days a week. This offered an opportunity for me to show him some extremely effective three-day training programs. It’s always important to consider that working out more doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll see better results.

Rich adopted some very effective 3-day training protocols such as German volume training, HST and Strong-lifts. This took care of his strength training.

To promote fat-loss, I also suggested that any extra time and energy Rich found himself with as a result of reducing his training load should go into long walks at a fat-burning heart rate, opportunities for which would be abundant for Rich in the glorious Suffolk countryside.

As you can see this new approach produced excellent results, with noticeable muscle gain and a reduction in body fat.

A few words from Rich:

“Scott’s ideas completely revolutionised my thoughts around training, I’m actually training less and eating more to get bigger and leaner, and I’m loving it!”

If you would like to begin a similar body transformation to Rich on my online personal training program, please schedule a consultation call here

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