Client Results


Vyn completely changed his body to raise money in a charity photoshoot

Progress photos

Vyn came to me with a very clear goal. He wanted to dedicate himself to getting in the best shape of his life for an upcoming photoshoot him and his crewmates were going to be doing for charity. As an active London firefighter, I knew Vyn was also ready fit and strong but he revealed that he’d just never really had his training aimed at changing his body composition, or his diet finely tuned enough to get down to the lower body fat percentages he wanted for his shoot.

We reasoned that because we had an excellent amount of time to prepare for the event we could take a steady approach and aim for steady recomposition, then fine-tune things in the run-up to the photoshoot and make sure that vyn looked very lean on the day.

In full transparency, the level of conditioning Vyn achieved is a deviation from my normal style of maintainable results, at least not without immaculate implementation and pretty much positioning exercise and diet as one’s life priority. But it was for a great cause, and there was no danger of Vyn rebounding from It and losing his exercise habits, not in the London Fire Brigade.

Which actually played a crucial role in our strategy, as I knew Vyn would work 4 days on and 4 days off, meaning we could completely orient his tough high-volume training to sync up with when he has the most rest, and utilise some of the downtime he often found himself with on shift with light steady state cardio.

Vyn should be exceedingly proud of his results, they speak volumes about how driven we can become when we have a strong enough ‘why’

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