Scott Laidler

I Take The Guesswork
Out of Health & Fitness

Over the past 12 years as a personal trainer I have transformed the physiques of Oscar winning actors, athletes, and military service personnel.

As Your Online Personal Trainer, I will do the same for you

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“The leading online personal trainer”
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“Best online trainer for fast results

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Why Choose My Online Personal Training Service?

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    Highly Rated Worldwide

    Over the last 12 years I have delivered over 10,000 hours of personal training instruction & coached thousands of satisfied customers to the successful completion of their fitness goals. As a result this service is regularly recognised among the best in the world. Including being ranked #1 by the institute of personal trainers.

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    Your Personal Blueprint

    Your program will be built from scratch for you, based on your life, fitness goals, schedule and experience. This puts a permanent end to guesswork and leaves generic workout programs in the dust. Having an expert designed program massively increases motivation becuase you'll know if you do it you'll get results, It's that simple!

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    Ultimate Flexibility

    This is a highly interactive coaching program, a far cry from generic 'cookie cutter' and 'set and forget' workout programs. With my service your program will constantly evolve and accommodate your travel schedule, location, and changing access to fitness equipment, putting you firmly in control throughout your 12-week coaching program.

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    1-2-1 Accountability

    Accountability drives results. You and I will have daily instant messaging to resolve any questions or challenges you have, rapidly. Think of me as a personal trainer in your pocket checking-in with you frequently and reaching out whenever I see any drop off in activity to make sure you are ok and give you the motivation to get right back on course.

Screenshots of my app, including the training program and meal planLearn More

Success Stories

Before and After montage of several online personal training clients

I do one thing here, and that is remove the guesswork from Health & Fitness.

If you are frustrated with a lack of results, don't know where to begin with fitness or just feel that navigating your way through the minefield of conflicting information online is exhausting you're in the right place.

My method involves understanding not just what you would like to achieve and providing the most effective training program for you to achieve your results, but also understanding where you are right now, in terms of your experience, confidence with exercise, and current life circumstances.

That's why a personalised touch is so important, you see there are many routes to the same goal, hence all of the conflicting info out there, but being shown which strategy to use, at the right time and for how long before changing it is how you avoid weeks, months even years of wasted efforts, not to mention the cost and emotional burden associated with repeated cycles of failed attempts...

See How It Works

optimise your nutrition with personalised macronutrient profile identify and solve common mistakes receive actionable tips So that you can take the most linear route to your goals.

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Many people don't realise that there are 3-5 common mistakes associated with any chosen fitness goal, from eating the wrong foods to doing the wrong workouts. The great news is that they are all easily solved once you know you are making them.
Take my 3-minute quiz to identify what's holding you back and how to easily correct any mistakes you are making.

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