Client Results


Dom was able to lose 49lbs in 36 weeks despite managing a busy schedule with frequent travel

Progress photos

Dom and I set about a strategy that would allow him to lose weight whilst managing a busy lifestyle fraught with constant stress, long working hours, and very little time for himself. For Dom, regular exercise had not been a part of his routine for some time. Which meant that we would need to re-introduce it gradually. Interestingly Dom actually joined my program with his wife Lauren, who herself also achieved excellent results.

We needed to utilise short workouts because time was hard to come by, though we also needed to ensure that we didn’t sacrifice efficacy as part of a trade-off. I created a reasonably high-frequency program for Dom that incorporated hybrid cross-training style sessions, and resistance-based Tabata and circuit drills. You could think of the workouts as ‘resistance-based cardio’.

This opened up a new world of training for Dom as he had previously believed that his workouts needed to be over an hour to be effective. This belief didn’t always play out as the long gruelling workout sessions you might expect. Actually more often than not it led to a workout not taking place at all. So by lowering the expectation of what was necessary to get a great workout we actually helped make exercise a regular habit. Dom always knew that even if he only had 15 minutes free, he could still use that time productively in pursuit of his weight loss goal.

Due to Dom’s intense schedule following a full meal plan likely was not going to be feasible. So establishing some first principles around eating for fitness goals within which Dom could make healthy food choices on the go. Even when the available food choices weren’t ideal. Through consistent exercise and dedication to his goal, Dom was able to lose an amazing 49lbs in 36 weeks.

Here’s a few words from Dom:

โ€œWith Scottโ€™s leadership and motivational skills, I was able to lose weight whilst building muscle in the process. This program far surpassed anything I thought I was capable ofโ€

If you would like to pursue a weight loss goal in a healthy way like Dom did, or set about a new health & fitness initiative with me please schedule your consultation call here

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