Proven fitness solutions

Signature workout programs

Proven fitness programs built to solve specific challenges. Whether you need a permanent weight loss solution, aim to become a better all-around athlete, or need to reverse burnout before tackling bigger fitness goals, we have the solution. 

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My signature workout programs are the culmination of 14 years of experience as a personal trainer and client success.

Each program has been meticulously designed to help you achieve a specific fitness goal. The methodology in each signature solution is the end product of countless hours spent refining and perfecting the most effective workouts and protocols that have consistently delivered the best and most predictable results for thousands of my clients throughout my personal training career.

Whether you’re aiming for fat loss or muscle gain, a healthier approach to weight loss and stress reduction, or becoming a better all-around athlete, my signature programs offer tried-and-tested solutions to guide you on your fitness journey at a cost that’s a fraction of a custom workout program.

Built to solve a specific challenge

Program selection

Dr Katie Turianytsia in her kitchen

YONO – Weight Loss

A permanent end to restrictive yo-yo dieting. No strings attached. Led by our head nutritionist Dr. Katie Turianytsia.
Scott Laidler's branded kettlebell

Healthy Ambition

A program built specifically to help you reverse burnout, build healthy habits, & feel like yourself again.
Built on 14 years of client succes

How these programs are built

Every program I offer is the product of a personal triumph, a tangible manifestation of a challenge I’ve faced, overcome, and experienced from the inside out. I believe coaching others through challenges you have faced yourself is the best way to offer a well-thought-through solution. Essentially, I’m not going to suggest you try a program I haven’t been through myself.

Once I’ve understood and gained confidence in these methods in my own training, I gradually introduce elements of them to a handpicked group of my online personal training clients. 

These will be individuals I’ve identified, who face similar challenges or whose goals align with the benefits offered by these techniques. e.g. a beginner in fitness, coming into fitness for the first time, or returning to exercise after a layoff or challenging time seeking to reverse burnout, enjoy outdoor activity or reach peak physical conditioning.

As they progress through the prototype program, their real-world experiences, feedback and results become an integral part of the program’s evolution. With each round of real-world application, the program is refined and its effectiveness sharpened, ultimately forging into a comprehensive and replicable solution to a specific challenge.

So, when you choose one of these programs you’re following a path well-trodden. Bolstered by a track record of tangible results. While these programs might not be custom-built for you as they would be in my online personal training service, they are painstakingly designed to tackle a common challenge many will relate to.

What you’re investing in is a thorough, battle-tested, and proven plan that draws from a wealth of real-world applications to deliver results. These programs offer a cost-effective solution in comparison to custom coaching, without compromising on quality or the effectiveness of the workouts.

infographic showing how fitness trainer Scott Laidler builds online fitness programs

Is a self-led approach right for you?

These training programs are built on years of client success and evidence-based methods. But there’s a difference between having an effective program and consistently implementing one.

So if consistency or getting motivated have been challenges in the past, you might be better served by bolstering your training program with a dedicated accountability coach.

However, if you are confident you can implement these programs in your own time without dedicated 1-2-1 support they will provide you with an instant end to guesswork and an easy, proven process to achieving your health & fitness goals.

Self Led approach will work best for you if:

  • You’re already exercising and want to remove the guesswork with an optimised program
  • Have a track record of consistently following a workout program for 30 days or more.
  • Value a comprehensive training program, but would prefer a self-guided experience

A self-led version of these programs may not work well for you if:

Online personal training is perfect if:

  • You have lacked motivation to exercise in the past
  • You have struggled to stay consistent with exercise in the past
  • You would benefit from having a support system in place that you can lean on in challenging times
  • Would feel more confident with a workout plan if you knew you had a trained coach invested in your success and monitoring your progress

The dedicated accountability of an online fitness trainer may not be necessary for you if:

  • You have a track record of implementing a workout program over a similar duration to your chosen program
  • You are confident in your personal motivation and will be able to implement the program to at least 80% compliance (we guarantee results at this week-on-week compliance rate)
  • Have a preference for flexibility and autonomy

Would you benefit from having an online personal trainer?

Of the three major challenges we have observed in fitness, having worked with thousands of people over 14 years (guesswork all-or-nothing-thinking and a lack of accountability), the self-led version of these programs completely solves guesswork. 

We know each program works, because they are born of solving a real-world challenge that has faced both our coaching team and our clients. Essentially, these programs will deliver for you, but of course only if you complete them. 

That may seem obvious, but with the two other main challenges you are likely to encounter with exercise is a lack of accountability, and transient motivation either can lead to a lack of consistency, and that would be the number one reason for to getting results on these programs. 

My online personal training service has been specifically crafted to help you stay on course with our signature workout programs.


Frequently asked questions

Tier 1: Signature workout programs

My signature online workout programs are built on the success of my custom workout plans, in that I keep comprehensive notes on the best workouts and strategies to achieve specific fitness goals as experienced by my online personal training clients. Allowing me to build and refine proven fitness programs that solve a specific challenge in a comprehensive and predictable way.

The main differences between the two services is that the signature programs are firstly that they are more fixed in nature. They work as designed in a particular capacity but do not ebb and flow with you to as the more custom online personal training service does. By which I mean that throughout a program you may be required to maintain gym access, or complete three 30-minutes workouts for example so you’ll need to know that broadly you can maintain this structure throughout the duration of the program, at least to 80% implementation. 

The other important distinction is that these programs are designed to be carried out on a self-led basis, so they are a great fit for those looking to solve the challenge of guesswork but may not be a comprehensive enough solution to your challenges if you feel a lack of accountability or motivation is holding you back.

Summary: The signature programs can offer more cost-effective solution to your fitness challenges without compromising efficacy. They are more fixed in nature than online personal training so if you’re schedule and location changes frequently at short notice it may be better to have a fully custom training plan.

Tier 2: Flagship online personal training service

My online coaching service is like having your own fitness blueprint architected for your body and your goals, and then having dedicated  accountability from an expert personal trainer to help you implement the strategy and stay motivated throughout the program.

I’ll build a tailored workout plan for you. Based on a unique 28-step process of personalisation I’ve developed over the last 14 years working as a personal trainer. The process covers everything from your age and body type to your individual lifestyle and circumstances. Essentially if guesswork and not knowing what to do has been your major challenge, then I will guarantee your success on the program if you follow it to 80%. The program will have been tailored to you in entirety, effectively meaning that all guesswork has been removed, if there program is implemented, it will be certainty that you’ll see results.

This personal training course also positions me as your virtual personal trainer, holding you accountable to the structure of the program ensuring that you stay motivated, consistent with exercise and on track. Which is perfect if accountability has been a challenge in the past and you’d benefit from having an online pt in your corner. This service is aimed at a long-term solution on your fitness journey as it perfectly combines self-efficacy and accountability, equipping you with everything you’ll need to maintain your results long into the future.

The standard of professionalism under which this program is delivered could be considered the point at which concierge service meets online fitness coaching. I allocate daily time and resources for adaptations and iterations meaning that as you travel and your circumstances change, so too will your program. Meaning we will always arrive at a winning strategy no matter how chaotic life gets. You’ll also be able to send my nutritionist restaurant menus as you eat out to help you make healthy food choices on the go.

Summary: This tier of coaching is best if you want to take all decision-making out of health and fitness or have had your progress de-railed by travel and logistics in the past.

Tier 3: 360° Accountability Coaching – This service includes everything on my online personal training services with the addition of a broader focus on goal setting and accountability around the action steps it will take to level up in many facets of life. It also invites a platform for deeper discussion on mindset-related challenges in health & fitness. We’ll start with a broad goal-setting workshop and follow your progress on these goals month on month. 

Summary: This service draws on my academic background and interest in psychology to use a new health and fitness initiative as a springboard for broad transformation and goal setting in areas of life beyond health & fitness. Each month I’ll hold you accountable to the strategy we’ve put in place and the action steps we’ve identified.

You can learn more about my accountability coaching service here

My accountability coaching service is highly personalised, in terms of support but If you’re looking for a fully personalised training regime or have unique fitness goals, you might benefit more from the online personal training service. Here, I can design a program specifically tailored to your individual needs, lifestyle, preferences, and goals.

Each program has a specific focus and is designed to help with a particular fitness challenge. Detailed descriptions are provided to help you understand what each program entails and who it’s suitable for. Please look through the dedicated webpage of each workout program to determine which is likely to be the right fit.

If you are still unsure, feel free to reach out to us and we can help guide you to the right program based on your goals.

Once you purchase a program, you will receive immediate access to all the program materials. These include detailed workout plans, advice on how to eat for your fitness goals, and building a positive mindset for fitness. All of which are delivered in a digital format on our iOS/Android training app that you can access from anywhere at any time.

Join my successful clients from 54 countries, and transform your relationship with exercise forever

Get a personalized workout plan in minutes.

Let’s get rid of what’s bothering you the most about your body once and for all. Whatever it is, after 12+ years of bespoke fitness coaching I simply know what works. I promise.